Society Showcase
Student Showcase
Showcase: University Charity Fashion Show
We love our network of societies here at Hype Collective- and we always want to show them off! We collaborate with societies on behalf of our clients and the outcome is always exciting, creative and beneficial for both brands and societies! What is there not to love?
This week, we’ve chatted to Raphella Gordon-Saker, who is GUCFS President, to find out what this charitable bunch do and create.
Where did the idea come from?
Glasgow University Charity Fashion Show is now entering its fifth year, an exciting milestone for all involved in our project.
In 2014, founders Blake, Jocelyn & Jamie saw a gap in the market at Glasgow University for a black-tie event open to the entire student body, and took a chance with the hope of creating a new & exciting event, with the added bonus of supporting fantastic causes.
What makes you stand out?
GUCFS has expanded vastly unlike any other society on campus in the past five years. From its humble beginnings in the University of Glasgow’s very own Hunter Halls, GUCFS has grown to become a large-scale annual project, encompassing a variety of events, campaigns, fundraising initiatives and creative shoots attached to our brand. A key example of this is GUCFS Jailbreak, a fundraising initiative launched last year which raised over £3,000 for Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity. GUCFS also hosts an annual launch party, alongside campus-based events run by our team of Brand Ambassadors. In 2018/19, we hope to expand these even further in order to support our charitable partner, Simon Community Scotland, as much as possible.
We make it our duty to ensure our charitable partners remains at the heart of everything we do: raising awareness, taking part in volunteering opportunities and promoting the charity and their projects too. This year our charitable partner is Simon Community Scotland, a local charity who work to combat the causes and effects of homelessness across Scotland. Our charitable partner is chosen by the students of Glasgow themselves through an open nomination scheme.
What’s your best achievement to date?
Surpassing our £20,000 fundraising target last year for Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity was an incredible achievement for all involved in GUCFS. This happened due to the relentless dedication of every member of our society who were involved in both joint and individual fundraising efforts. From bungee jumps dressed as Santa, walking the West Highland Way and roller skating around campus for a week, we did it all to support the patients at the Royal Hospital for Children and their families, filtering our £22,224.02 donation into the family support services offered by the charity, chosen once again by the students of Glasgow through an online poll.
You’ve got £1,000 to play with, what would you do with it and why?
As GUCFS is still a relatively young brand, we are constantly looking for ways to expand and improve. However ultimately, any amount of money given to GUCFS benefits our charitable partner, either financially or in raising awareness to their cause and campaigns.
This year we are dedicated to be bigger, bolder, and fearless in everything we do; never turning down an opportunity or failing to try something out of fear of failure. Any amount of money we receive would allow the different GUCFS departments (Production, Marketing, Creative, Finance, Charity) to be as bold, innovative and creative as possible in our efforts to support Simon Community Scotland, and make the biggest positive impact on our society as we can.
GUCFS in 3 words?