Agency News
The Scoop
I’ve been quiet for a while…
So – here it is. I’m launching a youth marketing agency.
I must have written and re-written that sentence a million times. It is hard to articulate why I’ve found it so difficult to put pen to paper- perhaps it is the fear of putting yourself out there, or the risk of sounding incredibly self-indulgent.
If I’ve still got your attention then you’ve clearly forgiven my self-indulgence. Either that or you are family and have to read this (Hi Mum!). Whatever the case, allow me to share with you Hype Collective.
I’ve always been a lucky sod – but recently it has been especially great. I’ve worked with some incredible people over the last 8 years – both as colleagues (you know who you are – National Student/Campus Media crew) and clients, the likes of L’Oreal, Co-op and NBC. The talent of people around me has forced me to learn skills I never thought I’d pick up and for that I’m truly indebted…
This has led me to feel confident enough to launch Hype Collective. You can read more about what Hype is trying to do here but in short I’ll be chuffed if we are seen in two ways:
1. By brands as the place to go to collaborate with young talent.
2. By young people as a source of opportunities.
I believe that by trusting young people and offering them guidance big brands can create opportunities that change the lives of their younger customers. In doing so they’ll profit by generating genuine fans instead of facebook likes.
It all seems very simple.
As for how this will happen, well a lot is still being planned. But one thing for sure is I’m going to need a talented team around me and I’m incredibly proud of the people who’ve said they’ll support so far.
Alongside this I’m growing a network of collectives (sports teams & uni societies)- that we’ll use as our route into the youth market. Where better to find aspiring talent than on the pitches, in the theatres and behind the cameras that are on campus?
So there it is, Hype Collective is publicly open for business. As a first step I’d love it if you join me for a drink and to hear a bit more. I’ll be hosting a launch get together at our new shiny offices in Tottenham Court Road