Generation Cynic? Research & Webinar Launch


Agency News

The Scoop

Generation Cynic? Research & Webinar Launch

Today we are really proud to release our latest research Generation Cynic? in partnership with The Park.

It’s been said that this is Generation Cynic. The new adults of 2020 are seen – or at least depicted – as being sceptical towards the media and wary of brand activism, smelling bullshit on Big Corporation Inc.’s support for a popular social cause. Is this the case? We’ve set out to establish the facts.

This is the culmination of a three month research project which found:

  • Over half (59%) of young Brits think most brand support for charitable causes and social issues isn’t genuine whilst 15% see it as an attempt to avoid criticism
  • Over two-thirds (71 per cent) of young Brits think supporting causes is the right thing for brands to do – even if they are motivated to do it for commercial reasons or to avoid public criticism
  • Almost one in four (24 per cent) young Brits think raising awareness of causes is the most important thing brands can do – more than the number that said making donations (17 per cent)
  • Almost two-thirds (64 per cent) of 18-24-year olds say they actively seek out a second source to verify stories shared by organisations on social media, while 40 per cent do the same for news reported by the media

I think you’ll agree, the findings are fascinating. You can read the report here.

If you are interested in hearing more, next month on the 24th September, we are hosting a webinar about the research. This will include an overview of the findings, an industry panel that will be sharing their reaction, and a breakdown of what students had to say in their deep dive interviews. Panelists TBA…

You can register here.