Campus Pulse Checks


Agency News

The Scoop

Campus Pulse Checks

Unprecedented, unbelievable, the new normal. All phrases that I’ve used too much over the last month. At Hype Collective our world, and the world of our clients has been turned upside down by Covid-19.

With everything up in the air and amid so much confusion we are aiming to bring some clarity to the situation. We have launched monthly Campus Pulse Checks, bite size updates from the world of university.

Each month we’ll survey and interview a mixture of university professionals and students to get a steer of how the world of education is reacting to Covid-19. We’ll distill these insights down, compare results month on month and produce a short, snappy 20 minute update for you. As we move from crisis to recovery your student comms strategy can be informed by what is happening directly in the world of university.

This session is relevant for anyone with an interest in student marketing & communications. Brands, employers and agencies are all welcome.


  • 20th May, 2pm
  • 17th June, 2pm
  • 15th July, 2pm
  • 19th August, 2pm
  • 16th September, 2pm

Register here.